JUNGIAN THERAPY & analysis. SHADOW WORK. dream work. soul work
JUNGIAN THERAPY & analysis. SHADOW WORK. dream work. soul work
I respect your courage in exploring the possibility of doing some deep inner work and would be honored to guide and support you.
For over 20 years, I've been working with clients worldwide, offering guidance and support in Jungian therapy and analysis, Shadow work, Dream work and Jungian soul work.
Offering solid, soul-centered guidance and trusted, down-to-earth help when you feel disconnected from your own soul, or your authentic path, or maybe overwhelmed, stuck, exhausted, anxious, or stressed out. Working together, I can help you reclaim a sense of grounding in your self, and a soulful sense of purpose that can help lead to more meaning in your life, and an inspiring vision for your future.
I offer Jungian Soul work in person and online.
Melissa LaFlamme, MA
Jungian Psychotherapist
Consider that you may be standing at a threshold to locate, liberate and claim your deepest potential — your in-born gifts to live and work creatively. Soulfully, with your whole heart.
To explore a path to unearth your purpose, and to live in a way that feels meaningful and alive is what soul work is all about.
Let's talk about how you might become deeply attuned to how you belong in this world, in all the others, and beyond — how you engage with human nature and all of nature, with the earth's wildness in every form — as you uncover and let loose your soul's sacred gifts and purpose.
As a Jungian Psychotherapist and Soul work guide, I help my clients reclaim a way of being that brings you fully alive, creatively ensouled, with a sense of real meaning. A way of being that is your birthright. Not a luxury. A way of being that embodies what you are here for.
Whether you're just beginning to explore this — whether you're new to it or have been on this path a while, if you want to know more about how it might help you — please reach out with your questions or to set up a free consultation.
I offer Jungian Soul Work in person and online.
Melissa LaFlamme, MA
Jungian Psychotherapist & Soul Work Guide
I am here to help guide you to locate, liberate and inhabit your soul's deepest longing and true human and spiritual potential.
I work with people to help guide and catalyze a radical conversation with the core of your Self and with your soul — to come into a vital relationship with your soul's calling, igniting the luminous life-force in the fire in your belly, the creative energy at the heart of every authentic soul.
Jungian soul work with me offers solid counsel to alight your intuition and hone your inner voice — through ancient, tried and true Wisdom Ways that I have grounded in modern Depth-psychological ways, as well as in Archetypal psychology and Jungian-based Inner work, including Shadow Work, and archetypal and soul-deep Dreamwork with the deep imagery of your night dreams, and your spiritual journeys and visions.
I offer a soul-centered and depth approach, wrapped around ancient ceremonial ways, and grounded in over 20 years of psychotherapeutic experience, extensive training, formal education, and several years of wilderness-based soul work including soul-retrieval, and extensive experience in archetypal dreamwork. All of this is informed and grounded by my master's degree in Jungian and Depth Psychotherapy from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA.
To help you learn to invoke the genuinely sacred in the everyday life, my particular approach is rooted in the Wisdom Ways of indigenous peoples worldwide, and further inspired by modern Depth psychology. This approach can be powerful in supporting your full unfolding, as we journey into the depths of the Underworld of the individual soul and the collective soul. And as we rise, I can support you in learning how to extend your heart and mind to the upperworld of spirit and the cosmos, while we build strong bridges back and forth, to your work, your relationships and the everyday world on this earth.
This way invites you to inhabit your imagination and live into the soulful and spirit-invoking questions that beckon you — the ones that have no right to go away — so that you may wholeheartedly live into what you really long for, to help open you to potential to claim your soul's most healing and creative gifts. These are the unique gifts that only you carry, which are found in and retrieved as the archetypal Medicine at the heart of your own humanness.
When you're ready, reach out with your questions or to set up a free consult.
I offer Jungian Soul Work in person and online.
Thank you,
Melissa La Flamme, MA,
Jungian Psychotherapist
Deep Soulwork To Heal and Reveal The Medicine In Your Wound
To guide you into healing your unique wounds, unlocking the Medicine in your wounds, retrieving pieces of your soul, and refreshing your connection with the sacred in your everyday life, I provide soul-centered counseling — with an aim to help you heal what is in the way of you offering your soul's gifts to the world.
We will explore the unfolding of your unique Soul Story — the true nature of the mythic Story of what you are here for — what the poet, David Whyte calls revealing, "the image you were born with." And the Story of what weaves together and makes meaning of your numinous life experiences — beginning with your Sacred/ Original Wound and your Sacred Soul Gifts, which are the medicine in your wound. The medicine you carry which may be revealed to you when you are ready.
Often, childhood or later life woundings and traumas will induce in us a psychospiritual experience of soul loss. Our soul or parts of it, will take refuge and flee from the experience of the trauma. In this sort of situation, we may feel bereft, lost, empty, have difficulty in relationships, with work, and finding our path. Soul retrieval is a powerful and sacred process to guide you into your own psyche and by way of spirit to methodically go about retrieving your soul and your capacity to create a relationship with all of life, in its infinitely sacred forms. This wildly transformative process and practice, I will guide you through, as I serve as a mid-wife to help guide and deliver you into a life that feels ensouled and alive again.
Soul-centered & Archetypal Dreamwork
To work with your night-time dreams by embodying them to bring them alive so that you may develop vital and ongoing conversations with the images, archetypes and figures of the Dreamtime — the archetypal images and figures of the Underworld, the collective unconscious and your own personal unconscious. This is foundational and essential soul work so that you may become informed by and well-versed in what the Dream Maker has come to teach you about your path and your soul's gifts of vision and service to the world.
With over 20 years experience, and decades of richly-textured life-experience including continual forays into my own depths — the Underworld of the psyche and the Upperworld of spirit, I have been guided through a few radical transformations of my way of being, my work, relationships and my soul at a core-level, altering out-moded patterns across my life, removing distractions and obstacles.
This deeply spiritual work has lead me to claim my soul's purpose and gifts and a truly wild, sacred sense of juicy aliveness marked by clarity to serve people like you and the earth from a place of sacred reciprocity — rooted in compassionate, grounded, open-hearted and soul-centered service.
The way I have come to work with people, as well as the way I live my own life, is grounded in ancient earth-based traditions that are soul-centered and spirit enlivening; what we call soulwork.
I carry gently these particular wisdom ways of practicing and guiding, as they inform my spiritual work with people, and source how I practice and teach sacred, wisdom ways of living your life creatively with a wild artistry all your own. A deeply creative life that is all at once earth-centered and soul-centered — with the intention to help guide you into a juicy, inspired relationship with your own deliciously alive broken, open heart.
My formal education includes a master's degree in Depth & Jungian Psychology and Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara, CA, and a bachelor's degree from American University in Washington DC.
I've also completed advanced, wilderness-based spiritual work and training through a year-long Vision Quest and Initiation with the Animas Valley Institute with wilderness guide, depth psychologist-gone-wild, and author of Soulcraft, Bill Plotkin, Ph. D.
A lifelong, deeply cultivated and soul-centered journey, brings me, to serve souls like you, helping you catalyze your own soul's revolution and contribute to the cultural evolution as you see fit.
All of this prepares me as a seasoned Soul Work Guide to serve and support you on your journey.
And while my depth-psychological and spiritual know-how as a Soul Work Guide goes beyond book-learning, it is equally fortified by my graduate work and training in Depth Psychology, Jungian Psychology, Jungian psychoanalysis, Archetypal Psychology, Shadow work, Ecopsychology, Dream work & Dream Interpretation, Existential Psychology, Spirituality of indigenous peoples, Mythology, Way of the Council, Deep Listening Practices and Methods, and ceremonial practices and rituals grounded in ancient Wisdom Ways.
I walk the walk, not just talk the talk. So it would be my privilege to help you cultivate and embody a full, soul-centered way of being and living that is uniquely, creatively — your own.
I'd be honored to guide you on your meandering path. One I will support you every step of the way. Skillfully-grounded. Authentically. Soulfully.
I offer Jungian Soul Work in person and online.
Melissa LaFlamme, MA
Jungian Psychotherapist & Soul Work Guide
Whether you're wondering about the overall process of Jungian Soul work — whether you're new to all this or have been on this path a while, if you want to know more about my approach and how it can help you — please reach out with an email.
When you're ready, reach out to set up your free consultation.
I offer Jungian Soul Work in person and online.
Melissa LaFlamme, MA,
Jungian Psychotherapist
50 South Steele Street, Denver, Colorado 80209, United States