JUNGIAN THERAPY & analysis. SHADOW WORK. dream work. soul work
JUNGIAN THERAPY & analysis. SHADOW WORK. dream work. soul work
Transforming what's difficult into healing, hope, purpose and meaning.
I respect your courage in exploring the possibility of Jungian therapy, analysis or Shadow work and would be honored to guide and support you.
If you're feeling stuck or lost, depressed or anxious, unsure, or struggling with a relationship or professional path, please reach out.
I've been a Jungian Psychotherapist in private practice, providing helpful and depth-oriented therapy and Jungian analysis to clients for over 20 years. As a Jungian Psychotherapist, my approach, education and credentials are oriented toward the unconscious, and are as rooted in the art and science of modern Depth psychology and Jungian philosophy, as they are in a grounded, soul-centered approach to cultivating and deeply attending to a vibrant and authentic life.
I can guide you into a solid, stable, yet creative and imaginative place within you — the place in your depths from which healing comes and strength is cultivated so that you feel whole, healthy, and fully able to inhabit your whole self.
Jungian therapy and analysis along with Shadow work is a process of deep healing and meaning. Many have come to Jungian therapy to successfully craft a life that feels whole, grounded and alive — a life that satisfies what you're really hungry for. And one that reflects, on every level of your being—body, mind and soul— who you were born to be.
Please reach out with questions or when you're ready to set up a Free Initial Consultation.
—Melissa LaFlamme, MA,
Jungian & Depth Psychotherapist
"And did you feel it, in your heart, how it pertained to everything? And have you finally figured out what beauty is for? And have you changed your life?” ―Mary Oliver, Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet
As a Jungian Psychotherapist, I am here to guide you into your most creatively-alive human potential — to unearth what you're here for by helping you activate ancient wisdom ways of healing, combined with 21st-century Depth-psychological methods and practices, insights and tools to help heal and transform what you're struggling through, to unearth what you are really here for — body, mind and soul.
We can work together to transform the roots of your struggles into a deeper understanding of your needs, your relationships, and your life's direction and purpose. A life that is naturally healthy, balanced and fruitful. Grounded in your dreams. Centered in your soul. Rooted in authenticity.
I'll listen with you, offering down-to-earth support, useful, intuitive insights to help you transform what's difficult into the life you want. Together, we'll create a practical, yet soul-centered approach to helping you cultivate your unique voice and reflect your authenticity so that you feel free, living a life that is fulfilling and joyful.
In Jungian therapy, we can work together to guide you into reclaiming a soulful way of living, along with renewed hope, clarity, strength, & deeper understanding of your needs and desires, your direction and life's purpose. In a safe and private space, I help people work through and release what's in the way of living life freely and meaningfully.
Anxious, overwhelmed, worried or stuck and unable to get out of a rut and move forward;
Feeling depressed or very low on energy;
Burdened by racing thoughts you can't seem to quiet;
In a quarter-life crisis and feeling lost;
Healing from childhood abuse: psychological, emotional, physical or sexual abuse;
Healing the traumatic aftermath of sexual harassment or sexual assault;
Working through and healing from the emotional abuse of a Narcissistic partner, parent or both;
Struggling with a significant relationship or marriage — we can work individually or with you as a couple;
Struggling with emotional intimacy and/or sexual intimacy;
Struggling with working through an affair or infidelity and/or the effects of one on you and others;
Wanting help with communicating with your partner or other significant people in your life;
Contemplating or experiencing a break up or divorce;
Having difficulties with dating/ meeting the right partner, creating a sustainable relationship;
Longing to discover or renew your life's direction, purpose, or spirituality;
Wanting to make a deeper, soul-centered connection with your Self.
Experiencing creative blocks and want help breaking through;
Struggling with career or life-work path/ purpose, finding fulfillment and satisfaction with work;
Struggling with body image and its effects on your self-esteem;
Adjusting to, healing from and making the most of some significant change in your life;
Struggling with grief from the loss of someone or something you love;
Feeling like you can't put your finger on what's wrong; that something’s missing from your life and relationships and you want to find out what it is;
Seeking to deepen your relationship with spirituality so as to experience more aliveness and connection — more juice, reverence and appreciation for what is really vital to you on your path;
Yearning for deeper meaning and purpose in your life;
In midlife, feeling stuck, empty, a bit lost;
Wanting to cultivate your authentic voice, your true self and individuality;
Having difficulty changing troubling patterns that seem to be holding you back;
Longing to discover or renew your life's direction, purpose, or spirituality;
Longing for the experience of a more enriching and reciprocal romantic love;
Seeking to cultivate a deeper and more soulful connection with your highest Self.
As a Jungian Psychotherapist, in my work with clients, I take to heart the original meaning of the word psyche, which means soul in Greek, and the root word of therapy is therapeia, which means to tend or care for.
So my work with clients is often about helping to tend to the needs, the questions, all the facets of your soul, of your psyche. Caring for and developing an authentic and fruitful relationship with your Self, with others in your life, your relationships, your work and career, and with the world around you is at the heart of Jungian Psychotherapy and Soulwork.
You will probably find that I am very engaged with you, present, calm and grounded, compassionate, consistent, and real with you. So our work together tends to feel alive and helpful, as we actively sort through your feelings and thoughts, and identify and remove obstacles that keep you from experiencing the sort of life and relationships you want.
So, together, we can hack and track what's maybe been for you a nagging longing to fully inhabit your life. To be genuinely free, embodied and ensouled.
Authenticity happens in the guts and bowels of your life. Being authentic is the grunt-work of the soul, of any deeply human, spiritual path. Being half here, half there, half-hearted, faking it to look good, strategizing to make things easier for your self — that's the common way of the unconscious clotted middle, driven by our egoic, addicted culture. It's a way that lacks wholeheartedness. Lacks real courage to let the heart break. Shatter. Broken whole and holy open to finally know compassion for self, for others, and the earth. To live and love — on fire, fully alive, juiced and ready to serve.
Being authentic and soul-centered costs you your ticket to ride from the collective mainstream to the illusion of safe and secure. And opens the door to your broken open, whole heart -- reveals to you the honey of this wildly messy life. Leaves you and those you touch, feeling radically free. Without choice now. Solid and light. Authenticity strips away all that is NOT real. All that is not made from love, to love. All that is of enriched soul and in-spired Spirit remains. There is no living a soul-centered life without being authentic — without mustering the courage to do the excavating in the dark: the Shadow work.
The Swiss psychotherapist and mystic, Carl G. Jung said: “People will do anything, no matter how absurd, to avoid facing their own souls.”
So, I am here to help you explore the question: What will you do?
Doing shadow work — to explore the unconscious motivations behind some of your thoughts, feelings, and struggles — is one of the ways we begin to address that question. And help you become more and more of who you truly are.
Really enlivened. Present. Free to be yourself and congruent. Grounded. And burning brightly.
As you tell your story, I'll listen with you, valuing and respecting your unique experiences, offering down-to-earth guidance, real-world support, and consistent, caring connection for you along your way.
With practical observations and some intuitive insights, I'll help you — at your own pace — see through, and transform what's most difficult so that you feel ready and empowered to live authentically—the way you were born to.
I respect your courage in exploring the possibility of therapy right now.
Whether you're wondering about the overall process of Jungian Psychotherapy — whether you're new to all this or have been on this path a while, if you want to know more about my approach — what it is and how it can help you — please ask.
When you're ready, please reach out with your questions or to set up your free consultation.
Thank you,
Melissa LaFlamme, MA,
Jungian & Depth Psychotherapist
In the way I work with people in Jungian psychotherapy and soulwork, I pull from a deep well-spring of psychological, philosophical, and spiritual traditions with many of their roots in indigenous cultures of the world. These traditions include the following:
Jungian Psychology. The gist of which is about our unique development as enlivened individuals, becoming more and more authentic, and who we truly are — guided by our souls, our deepest Self, living out the story of our lives as fully, creatively and uniquely as we are called to;
Depth Psychology, Shamanism, Ecopsychology, Archetypal Psychology, Existential Psychology, Nature-based Spirituality, Mythology, Fairy tales, Literature, Music and Film to open us to the root-level en-livening, en-souling power of our imagination as well as the unconscious — imagination's deeply rooted connection with our psyche and soul and with the heart and soul of the planet on which we walk. We work this way to lend a sense of universality and objectivity to what's troubling, which often helps to open up a certain depth of understanding into what brings on our suffering and its potential purpose for our life's journey;
Working with otherwise unconscious images, thoughts, dreams, sensations and feelings to awaken new awareness of what our psyche and our body is asking for of us and attempting to tell us;
Working with the metaphors of what we literally experience as a way to help us see through what's most painful into its deepest meaning for how we live into what we're here for;
Dreamwork to tap into what our soul, our psyche is asking of us and beckoning to us to see — to show us the gifts we came to offer our own souls and the world;
And the matrix of Western culture that so influences our experiences — personally, collectively and professionally.
All these pieces of psyche, soul, and Self help to guide and embody our work together, allowing me to work with you and help you in a way that suits your unique set of experiences so that you can cultivate more of your authentic Self and live your life as fully as you want to.
As a Jungian Psychotherapist, I act as a naturalist of the psyche, — meeting you right where you are, serving as a highly-attuned, warmly-empathic witness, an active and expert "trail guide" to help guide you through the inner wilderness of your own psyche, and out the other side into a life that is marked by soulfulness, creativity, aliveness, and a love for yourself, others and the world around you.
Your soul's wildest potential is waiting to be birthed on the solid ground of — what the poet, Mary Oliver called — "your one wild and precious life."
Thank you,
Melissa LaFlamme, MA,
Jungian & Depth Psychotherapist
Our work together will help you feel more alive and grounded, more centered in your own soul, individually and in relationship with others. Here's what a session might look and feel like:
We engage deeply in therapy to help you come to know and then, release what's in the way of living meaningfully and feeling free and alive.
I'll work with you to create a deeply supportive and safe space to explore the roots of what's troubling you and remove the obstacles that are in the way of living how you want to;
Tap into, listen to, and hone your inner voice;
Look at various ways to sort through otherwise complex and confusing situations by offering you my deeply engaged presence and an objective, non-judgmental sounding board;
Safely allow feelings to flow, experiencing their power to help you find clarity, feel more alive and free;
Explore ways to connect with the natural world around you — whether it's walking outside in your neighborhood, at the park, hiking in the mountains, or gardening, running, cycling, being with your dog or cat — to help you feel better and more alive so that you can create the life you want. There are so many healing ways to connect with the natural world that have been shown, in studies and throughout history, to radically help us feel more juiced, balanced, loving, productive, and alive.
Discover some new ways to look at old patterns or problems and learn to recognize and open the windows into your unconscious and the collective unconscious to provide you a new depth of awareness that can show you the way to some of the changes you can imagine making;
Begin to see into and through your night dreams and day dreams to experience a richer understanding of their meaning, and learn how to act on what's revealed to you;
Cultivate "the eyes" to see and experience your life differently — more meaningfully, more imaginatively, more satisfyingly;
Create a deeper, very authentic relationship with your self and your own soul, as well as with others in your life and with the natural world — and know the freedom, fulfillment and inner power that goes with that.
Our work together is about tending your unique experience, turning inward to hear your inner voice — the one that carries wisdom — and then, empowering your voice and your actions in the world so that you can live the way you want to.
So it would be my privilege to guide you deeper and forward on your journey, helping you reclaim the way you want to live your life as a free, creative and thriving individual — connected to the whole.
On this journey, I have come to serve souls like you, in the unfolding process of becoming wildly grounded, alive, present and deeply human.
In this way, I am as much a Jungian Psychotherapist and Depth-oriented guide to soul, as much as I am a participant in our world community, with over 20 years of solid experience serving people's psychological and spiritual needs.
All of this helps to prepare me as an experienced therapist to guide and support you. And while my know-how as a Jungian and Depth-oriented Psychotherapist goes beyond book-learning, it is equally fortified by my graduate work and training in Depth Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic therapy, psychoanalysis, Depth Psychology, Jungian Psychology, and Archetypal Psychology, Ecopsychology, Dream Tending & Interpretation, Humanistic Psychology, Existential Psychology, Spirituality, Philosophy, Literature and Mythology.
As I answered the call to help others experience the transformative process brought about through Jungian psychotherapy and soulwork, my master's degree and graduate training from Pacifica Graduate Institute continues to play a unique role in preparing me to work in-depth with people and their soul and spirit — to not only help relieve the pain of the symptoms of what's troubling you, but to help you learn what these painful symptoms may have come to teach you about your own journey, your own soul so that as we work through them you can and go beyond them into cultivating a life that's rich, juicy, real, and rooted in what you are for.
In a nutshell, this isn't about me. I am here, being used so to speak — to serve you in your unfolding. I walk the walk, not just talk the talk. My knowledge of how the psyche transforms, expands and grows, translates into helping people creatively navigate — not only every-day challenges, but the milestone crises that naturally occur in our lives — to find new ways to work through obstacles and live fully and authentically, unburdened by depression, anxiety, stifling patterns, or unhealthy relationships. To thrive freely.
Over a decade of working with and valuing people’s unique stories and experiences allows me the privilege of caring for and tending to the psyche, and glimpsing the creativity and resilience in each of us, which is so often catalyzed and nurtured by the sort of soulwork I engage in with people.
It would be my privilege to help you creatively cultivate and embody the full, authentic life and way of being that you dream of. I'd be honored to guide you on your meandering path. One I'd support you on every step of the way. Compassionately. Skillfully. Practically. Soulfully.
Whether you're wondering about the process of therapy — or you're new to this or have been on this path a while — if you want to know more about my approach and how it can help you, please email me.
I look forward to hearing from you.
When you're ready to set up your free consultation, please reach out.
50 South Steele Street, Denver, Colorado 80209, United States